Cremation Services Lakewood, CO
Take the First Step: Simple direct cremation in Lakewood starting at $1,195. Make arrangements by phone or online with help from Tulip’s 24/7 care team – no need to visit a funeral home.
Lakewood Cremation Services Starting at $1,195 Whenever You Need Us
Right Now
For families who have just lost a loved one and require cremation services now.
For families expecting a loved one to pass in the next 6 months and want to plan for cremation.
Plan Ahead
For individuals and couples planning for their own cremations in the future.
Start Your Arrangement
Contact Our Care Team
If you need help from one of our team members, we are here to assist you.
Local Coroner/Medical Examiner
100 Jefferson County Parkway
Golden, CO 80419
Jefferson County Public Health
645 Parfet Street
Lakewood, CO 80215
Phone: (303) 232-6301
See Why Families Choose Tulip
I saved Tulip in my contacts as I will be needing them again. I don’t want to waste time shopping around when I’ve already done that. My time spent reading about them all was not wasted…
North Central Colorado
My mother passed away this week and it is an extremely emotional time. We had prepaid with Tulip and I was unsure what to expect. I can honestly say that everyone at Tulip was professional.
North Central Colorado
The staff was caring, compassionate and kind. I had never had to do this for anyone before and the process was easy and non-intrusive. They allowed for grieving and did not pressure in any way.
North Central Colorado